Fake Google Pay links take the state by storm

Originally launched as Android pay, the service was released way back in January of this year. Google Wallet was used for holding funds, and Android Pay was used as a mobile payment application, given the similarities the two were joined to create Google Pay. Google Pay is right now India’s fastest growing UPI-only app for transactions and transferring money, and …

Office Tips 101 : How to E-Mail Like a Pro

For most of us, emailing is a channel through which we communicate most of our work on (which we are going to go ahead and assume most of you do), then you can probably remember a time when you’ve made an emailing error that resulted in that intense feeling of regret and what’s worse, once sent an email cannot be …

How to Network on Social Media like a Pro

From restaurants, fashion, fitness and everything in between, we at Hypercube Technologies have been hard at work generating content that will help our readers navigate the professional world. Whether you’re a student, intern, applying for your first job or are considering switching career paths, you’ve come to the right website. Today We’re sharing tips on how to network on social …


The Future is here with Virtual Reality

What is Virtual Reality? Virtual reality (VR) or 3D visualization is defined as the creation of an artificial environment with computer software. This is then presented to the user in a way that the user suspends belief and accepts the artificial environment as the real environment. On a computer, VR is primarily experienced through two of the five senses: sight …

IGTV- All that you need to know.

Recently Instagram rolled out the latest feature to its app called Instagram television or IGTV. As an avid user of the app both for personal and professional reasons, I was pretty curious about what it contained and how it would be received by people. My curiosity extended further, how would it help businesses and influencers thrive? Would this also benefit …

Online digital marketing

Online Digital Marketing- Byte the Bullet

As a kid growing up in Goa, June was the month that I had a love-hate relationship with. It was the onset of the monsoons which would provide so much relief from the blistering heat of the summer, and it was also that time of the year which marked the beginning of the new academic session. That meant, the rush to the …

Enhance your Email marketing

With advances in social media marketing through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and such, we should not forget one of the earliest and foremost methods of digital marketing and that is EMAIL. Email marketing is a very useful tool to have in your repertoire when it comes to digital marketing. One of the key tools to an effective marketing strategy is lead …

The Goa Triathlon

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence” – Confucius Competition has always been an intrinsic part of human beings, most visibly in athletic sports. Hypercube Technologies is proud to be associated with the Enduro Sports Goa annual Triathlon that is …

What India Googled : 2017 Edition

As another year comes to a close, we here at Hypercube Technologies look back on what has piqued the interest and curiosity of the nation in the past 12 months. The year 2017 was as eventful as any other, but the majority of us, in the online realm, were searching for some very specific things (other than the perpetual search …