For most of us, emailing is a channel through which we communicate most of our work on (which we are going to go ahead and assume most of you do), then you can probably remember a time when you’ve made an emailing error that resulted in that intense feeling of regret and what’s worse, once sent an email cannot be taken back. Well, we at Hypercube Technologies are here to tell you the 6 major email mistakes you can avoid when sending a professional or personal mail!
1. Clicking on Reply All when you shouldn’t … and vice versa.

Double-check each email you send
Clicking on ‘Reply all’ can be very powerful too sometimes but also a very dangerous one. For example, if you are receiving an email wherein there are several co-workers CCD on who needs to stay in the loop, then you can click on a reply-all response. But if you are intending to reply to just one of those several people regarding some sensitive information you are sending, you need to double-check once and again that you are not sending it to the entire group. An email once sent cannot be taken back.
2.Double-check your CC and BCC lines

Understanding Cc and Bcc lines are very important
It’s a good rule of thumb in general to always check and double-check your Cc and Bcc lines when emailing, just to make sure your message is going to the correct people. Cc stands for ‘carbon copy’ (when you want someone to be looped into the email you are sending) and Bcc stands for ‘Blind Carbon Copy’ (which means the person Bcc’d sees the original email but won’t be looped in on the remainder of the email thread. Additionally, if someone is Bcc’d the other recipient on the email won’t know who is on the Bcc thread. These 2 lines are pretty important when it comes to sending any email be it personal or professional.
3. Not having a signature.

Your email signature must have all your contact details.
We can’t tell you the number of times we’ve been communicating with someone via email and have needed to call them or send something in the mail… Only to check their email signature to find no contact information. Including things like your designation, contact information, title, and any other important work details, etc. in your signature makes you look professional and makes it easier for people to contact you.
4. Being Emotional over email

Emotions should be expressed professionally on email
There’s nothing worse than being in the heat of the moment, sending out an emotional email, and pressing send before you have time to realize it was a mistake. If you have a strong opinion or disagree with someone take a moment to step away from your laptop and focus on other tasks for a few minutes, you will be grateful when you return with a rational point of view which can be expressed professionally on email completely thoughtful and emotion-free.
5. Coming across as too casual.

Keep your emails to the point, avoid emojis if you want to sound professional.
While texts to your friends can be as casual and emoji-filled as you’d like, work emails are not the time and place for an overfriendly conversation. At least until you have established that level of being comfortable and casual in your work relationship. Keep your emails formal, short and to the point, it will help your co-workers to view your message as important, therefore allowing you to look professional and composed in return
6. Not checking your attachments.

Check if the right attachment has been uploaded.
While sending an attachment, make sure that you’ve actually uploaded it. Double or triple-check that you have uploaded the correct attachment and link that you want to send. Imagine sending someone the wrong attachment that could have very sensitive company information in it. Spending the extra time here in a way is worth it.
We hope you enjoyed our tips about emailing, just keep in mind that most of these errors can be avoided Always keep in mind that most of these can be avoided if you don’t rush, take a step back and review your work before sending it across. Do you have any tips for e-mailing like a pro? If yes, share them in the comments below!