What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual reality (VR) or 3D visualization is defined as the creation of an artificial environment with computer software. This is then presented to the user in a way that the user suspends belief and accepts the artificial environment as the real environment. On a computer, VR is primarily experienced through two of the five senses: sight and sound.
How did the concept arise?
The first concept of V.R arises from panoramic paintings in the 19th century. The idea was to give the viewer of the painting a 360-degree, in-depth view of the situation playing out. Today’s V.R technology is based on ideas from the past and used in concepts like the stereoscope. The first model built in 1838 was done using twin mirrors to project a single image which developed into the View master which is in use till today. The term “virtual reality,” was first used in the mid-1980s when Jaron Lanier, founder of VPL Research, began to develop the gear, including goggles and gloves, needed to experience what he called “virtual reality.”
How does it work?
Virtual Reality technology actually tricks the brains senses into a false reality. To understand how that is possible, we first need to understand how the brain works.
The human brain is a complex and sophisticated tool. It uses certain markers that we see in our environment to define some rules. For example, the sky is always up, the ground is below, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. These markers and rules help the brain to work better.
VR technology uses this information and tries to mimic similar situations in the environment which is created. Using the right shades of texture along with shadows adds to depth of vision and makes the user who’s wearing the VR headset feel that they are actually in the virtual environment.
Visual processing is one process of the rich multi-sensory information which is being integrated in your brain all the time. As new VR technologies start to engage more of our senses, their effects may be even more compelling.
Where can it work?
Well V.R technology has a vast scope for usage as the technology is so useful and diverse. A few places where it can be of immense use are:
VR is being used in sports both by the athletes as well as the viewers. Athletes mostly use it as a training aid to improve their skills in the virtual world and then replicate the same in the actual world.
Medical students can use VR to practice surgical and other techniques without causing any damage to a real patient and hence develop their skills. It can also be used by patients who might be suffering from certain phobias, using VR a virtual environment can be created to help the person slowly get over their fear.
VR can be really useful for students and teachers to learn new concepts by actually being in the environment and understanding the working better. Field trips can be made into a virtual experience. Places or areas which could be deemed as dangerous such as the bottom of a waterfall, or the top of a mountain are now accessible in a safe and secure environment.
Real Estate:
V.R technology is extremely useful in real estate development. Where in a contractor can visualize the project before construction begins, or an architect is able to help his client visualize his creation. A potential client is also able to see his own home before construction can even begin. An example of the same done by Hypercube technologies a digital marketing company in Goa.
Cinema has evolved a long way from the black and white silent movies of the past to 3 dimensional movies of the present. Virtual reality is also making its mark in this sector where in movies are now being shot with a 360-degree view. Users wearing VR headsets can experience a unique environment.
The potential uses of V.R technology are only as limited as one’s imagination. With it being used in aeronautics, military and even in space exploration. One only needs to imagine it and of course, the environment can be created for the experience. V.R is also being integrated with A.R (augmented reality) and that opens up a whole new avenue of uses and implications. Follow us @hypercubetechnologies.com for our next article which will talk about A.R technology and its uses.